CBD Pastes

GOLDEN AMBER CBD PASTES are based on CBD extracts and are produced with extract from ‎CO2-extracted hemp biomass. These are full spectrum pastes that contain a high concentration of CBD, a wide range of other cannabinoids and other nutrients, providing an “entourage effect”.


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Buy CBD paste and experience the benefits

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and has been used for many years with a versatile range of applications. Our pastes are now also very popular. This contains numerous cannabinoids and other compounds found in hemp and is produced by CO2 extraction of hemp biomass.. The combination creates a mutually reinforcing effect, which can intensify the effect. The CBD pastes are, therefore, very popular internationally and with many people. Take advantage of our high-quality hemp products in the online shop and experience amazing effects on both mind and body. Extracted from nature and only small traces of mind-expanding THC are present.

CBD paste versatile effect

The cannabidiol products, such as our CBD pastes, are used against all kinds of ailments. The skin becomes more supple and sooth. Even for tense muscles, many of our customers swear by the CBD paste.

Buy CBD paste and preserve the power of nature

Our CBD pastes consist solely of natural products. We do not use chemicals but rely on the pure power of nature. For this, the wonderful hemp plant offers us everything we need. In addition, we use plants that come exclusively from sustainable and ecological cultivation areas.

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